Essential Assimilation
Assimilation is simply the process of someone becoming an active part of the life of your church and growing in their relationship with Jesus Christ. An easy vision statement for this journey is “From the Core to the Door”.
In this guide you’ll find 10 suggested steps to customize and implement a system of assimilation for your church.
Before we begin let’s clarify a term we will be using. A “new comer” is defined as “guest”.
Front Entrance Greeting
A guest has been greeted as they enter the building - Your greeter team enthusiastically greets and directs guests to hospitality, KidMin, Nursery, etc. Along with visible and clear signage around your facilities, this may be the most critical step in our process. Recent data has shown that first time guests have already determined a second visit based on their first impression.
Connect Card
Many churches utilize this easy method to obtain contact information. Common practices are the paper “connect” or “guest” card. Digital options are becoming common as well. During the worship service guests are directed to complete the contact information. They are then directed to give them to an usher during a designated time or to hold them until a time after service. This is a very important step as it begins the assimilation process with the guest's captured data.
Meet the Pastor or staff
Many guests appreciate the opportunity to meet the pastor or a key member of the leadership team following the morning worship service. One suggestions is that guests are encouraged to meet Pastor immediately following service in the lobby or some other meeting area for a short time of greeting and receiving a small gift. Usually a small bag of cookies or gift card. This would be a great time to receive Connect cards from your guests.
Guest Follow Up
Sunday afternoon or Monday morning is a great time to collect all the guest information from that Sunday services and send hand written note cards to each guest family. Even if you were unable to meet them in-person, a card conveying thanks for their choice to worship at your church sends a gracious message. Choose one more touch point throughout the week to follow up before the weekend. Utilizing either a text or phone call from the pastor or pastoral staff
Cookie Drop
Contact information from the Connect Card is communicated to the Care Ministry Team. Typically within 48-72 hours the care ministry has made a visit to the guest home and made in-person contact and delivered a small gift bag that contains a coffee mug or other promotional items. If the guests are not home then they are left for them. Many times a Care Ministry Team have the opportunity to visit and pray with the guests.
Newcomer Connection
Once a quarter guests are invited to a time of fellowship and connection. This is typically hosted during an evening and is located at the church. Guests are able to meet pastoral Staff and leadership team for an informal time of fellowship, food, some fun of games and door prizes. During this time a new member class is promoted and guests are given an opportunity to register.
New Member Classes
Now that the newcomer has moved from guest to attender they now want to find out more about your church. They need information on how to become active in ministry and church memberships. Many churches have adopted names like Grow Track, Next Steps, etc. This would be a short series of sessions (We recommend 1-3 at the most) for the guest that is interested in making your church their church home.
A good suggestion would be that the new member class would offered on an on-going basis. During these sessions guests are given information on the church’s doctrine, leadership structure, growing in their relationship with Jesus, spiritual giftings, core values and vision.
New attenders are also given information on how to become involved in ministry and church membership. During the last session guests are invited to complete a “Serve in Ministry”.
This survey is where they list the ministries they would be interested in. This information is analyzed by staff leadership and then disseminated to the appropriate Team Leader. From this point our goal would be that the newcomer has gone from guest to attender to member and that they have moved to one or a combination of these three next steps.
Serve Team
Your church offers several ministries. Each one of them are central to your vision and core values. Here are some examples. Based on the members giftings, calling and passions the pastoral staff places the member on a serve team.
Connect Group Leader
Next Generation
Discipleship/Fellowship Groups
Discipleship is critical for the believer. Growing in our relationship with Jesus and one another. However your discipleship is structured, whether it’s small groups led in homes or Sunday school this step is paramount for the believer. Make sure there is clear promotion regarding dates, times and ages.
New Believer
In order to give those who have recently become a follower of Jesus a foundation to build on, a “new believer’s” training opportunity is necessary. This would be a course of study designed for the new or recommitted Christian.
Led by pastoral staff and leadership, we suggest that it would be scheduled immediately following the most recent New Member Class and offered on an ongoing basis. This would be a great time to offer baptism to those in this group and to the church.
First Impression
Connect Card
Meeting Pastor & Staff
Guest Follow Up
Cookie Drop
Newcomer Connection
New Member Class
Serve Team
Discipleship Group
New Believer Group/Baptism