A healthy church is one that is focused on the lost (those without a saving knowledge of Christ). A healthy church is one who is reproducing and adding to the church.
A healthy church is committed to the great commission: “And He said unto them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.’” Mark 16:15
Did you know there are over a million reachable people here in Arkansas? These are people who would be receptive to an invitation to one of our Assemblies of God churches, or better yet, a presentation of the gospel. Evangelism is not a suggestion; it is a mandate from heaven. Somehow sharing the gospel with the lost has gotten buried under the pile marked self-absorption in church life. The Bible has one major theme, Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. Jesus Himself demonstrated evangelism best in word and deed. His parables of the lost sheep and lost son along with His encounters with a woman at the well and the demoniac are examples for us to follow.
Statistics for Arkansas
Arkansas Population: 3.026 million.
A Gallup statistic shows 45% of Arkansas residents attend church weekly. That would be 1,361,700 attending church on Sunday. (all churches, not just AG)
From the national Assemblies of God:
- For 2021 - 271 Arkansas churches our of 400 - listed 3,810 conversions. (It does not indicate how many of the remaining churches did not report at all)
- In 2021, Arkansas had 64,944 adherents in the 400 AG churches
General Arkansas statistics (from multiple sources):
There are 5,956 churches of all denominations, fellowships, etc. in Arkansas
If you take the 1,361,700 church attenders from the total population of 3,026,000, that leaves a total of 1,664,300 who do not attend church (reachable people).
There are currently 395 total churches belonging to the Arkansas District, including Cameroon churches not located inside Arkansas borders. Deleting the Cameroon churches leaves a total of 379 including PAC churches. (2022 district records statistic)
Other Statistical Information:
Gallup indicates, according to a recent poll, that:
- 81% of American adults say they believe in God.
- 72% believe religion is important
- 46% say religion can solve all or most problems (the lowest result ever for this statistic)
- 78% feel religion is losing its influence on American life.
Additionally, in a Gallup poll question, “how important would you say religion is in your own life?”:
Of people identifying as Christians
- 62% say very important
- 25% say fairly important
- 13% say not very important
Of All Americans (including those who do not identify specifically as Christians
- 51% say very important
- 21% say fairly important
- 27% say not very important
From a Lifeway research report entitled 3 in 10 Unchurched Americans say a Christian has shared the gospel with them:
Despite openness to religious conversations and relationships with Christians, few unchurched Americans have ever had someone explain exactly how to become a Christian or why they should think about doing so.
Also, only 3 in 10 unchurched Americans (29%) say a Christian has ever shared with them one-on-one how a person becomes a Christian. Only slightly more say a Christian has told them about the benefits of participating in a local church (33%) or the benefits of becoming a Christian (35%).
Preach on Evangelism
Practice Evangelism and give testimony to the congregation
Pray for Empowerment and for specific people
Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Luke 10:2 “And he said to them, ‘the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
Have special prayer for the lost
Prepare People For Evangelism
Luke 10 Principle
Gadarene Demoniac Principle
Teach the Roman Road Principle
Romans 3:23 Depravation
Romans 6:23 Decision
Romans 10:9-10 Declaration
Revelation 3:20 Invitation
Titus 3:5 Regeneration
How To Write Your Testimony
With Christ After the Lost - Lee Scarborough (classic)
Becoming a Contagious Christian - Bill Hybels
Right Now Media
A Nuts and Bolts Look at Evangelism - Steve Stroop
He Gets Us - national campaign
Movie - Jesus Revolution